Forgotten memories


Roque Vargas

Like all life, within all possible outcomes, the closest one to oblivion is death, where undoubtedly, clusters of refined stories are deposited from those who do not forget, but by those of us who have left them lurking in the shadows of the past.

They are the memories that we have forgotten over time, and they are the past that we have captured. Through these memories, we have the possibility of seeing details of a documented history, where through an image lies the proof and existence of the past, where through what is photographed there is evidence of values and conflicting feelings.

14/07/2021 - 27/02/2023

Photography has been a fundamental pillar for my personal development. It ignites my need to write and create poetry, and it helps me remember. It inspires me to be the best version of myself, and it pushes me to be more critical and reflective.

For me, it is essential to capture the spaces that are normally inhabited or traversed by people during the day. As darkness falls, these places are illuminated by lights that shine in the darkness. They guide the way and give life to these spaces, evoking a sense of solitude, mystery, and nostalgia.

After reading Susan Sontag's book "On Photography," I discovered one of the influences she cited as a precursor to surrealism and modern photography, Eugene Atget. I was fascinated by his work and consider him a major influence.